Saturday, December 23, 2006

blogger vs technorati

Now that the (beta/new) blogger supports tags -or labels as they call them - there is the problem, that it does not pass them on to technorati, or technorati does not read them.
Since I don't want to double-tag I only use one of the tagging systems.
Currently I stick with blogger for testing - and because its a lot easier.


Leon said...

Technorati does pick up Blogger Labels. I wondered about this myself and did a lot of experimenting. Check out my label bbd blog. I don't use Technorati tags and yet it found the posts. It isn't precise and I think it helps if you claim your blog and ping Technorati.

Roman said...

of course you are right; I must have missed it, or looked too early after switching to new blogger; btw. nice blog you have at Big Blog Directory